Silicon carbide (SiC) belongs to the third generation of semiconductors, SiC MOSFET is easier to work under high voltage, high frequency, high temperature conditions than traditional Si devices, and increasing the frequency can reduce the volume of magnetic components to achieve higher power density.PNJ SiC MOSFET has excellent gate oxygen layer reliability and a small Rdson offset at high temperatures for better high temperature characteristics.This SiC MOSFET is available in a TO247-4-pin package with Kelvin pin that reduce the effect of source parasitic inductance on the gate circuit, thereby increasing switching speed, reducing switching losses, and increasing efficiency.
AECQ-101 compliant | ultra-small Qgd | excellent gate oxygen layer reliability | excellent high temperature characteristics | +15/-3V drive | 100% UIS testing
Excellent performance | suitable for hard switching | reduced system volume | improved overall efficiency | Automotive grade devices | suitable for bidirectional topologies | reduced radiator size | reduced system cost
11/20kw 双向OBC架构